Friday, 20 December 2013

Blog 2 - Good Morning Mexico

Coat of arms of Mexico. EspaƱol: Escudo Nacion...
Coat of arms of Mexico. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Friday morning of week one. How's it going ? Not bad thanks.

Numbers are still trickling in on Facebook, at the end of night on Thursday we had 400 'likes.' Twitter is a little slower, only 19 followers so far. I'm yet to decide on using other social media streams, I know that anything site we use would add to our reach, but it all adds to the time spent updating everything as well. For now then the blog, Facebook and Twitter feed will have to do.

Facebook provides all sorts of useful info for page managers including a record of how many people actually saw each post, and how many people have become actively engaged (liking, clicking links and sharing) with the page. Well overall reach and engagement are both growing steadily. Now on the strange and unexpected bits....

The country we have most fans from is...and bearing in mind that I'm trying to make this a UK chart project. Have a guess ? UK - no. USA - no. Mexico - well yes actually. That's fine, all rock and metal fans are welcome. I'm not sure how much sense Spanish speaking Mexico is making of this, but they seem to be keen on the project, Go Team Mexico! Perhaps someone could start up 'Rock The Charts Mexico' ? Give me a shout if you do.

The top 5 countries supporting RTC-UK at the moment are...


Looks like there is a lot of work to be done to gain better reach in the UK then.

The top 5 cities where our followers hail from are...

Mexico City - Mexico
Bogata - Columbia
Quito - Ecuador
Tblisi - Georgia
Guadalajara - Mexico

If we look at the 'reach' into countries then the UK still comes 4th, and Leeds - UK becomes the 4th most reached city.

It's all unexpected, strange and wonderful.

The adventure continues.

Rock The Charts - UK Facebook

@Rock The Charts - UK

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